The procedures for the sale of Minerva SA Edible Oils and Food Enterprises have begun and are expected to be concluded in the last quarter of the year.
According to…
Minerva SA Edible Oils and Food Enterprises heading to its sale – Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ
The procedures for the sale of Minerva SA Edible Oils and Food Enterprises have begun and are expected to be concluded in the last quarter of the year.
According to…
Minerva SA Edible Oils and Food Enterprises heading to its sale – Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ
Η άλλοτε ατμομηχανή της Ευρώπης παγιδεύθηκε σε ύφεση την τελευταία διετία, είδε τη βιομηχανική της παραγωγή να συρρικνώνεται και τους κολοσσούς της να απολύουν χιλιάδες
Greece, like the other member states of the European Union, is awaiting the details of the Commission’s proposal to exempt defense investments from the spending