Demand for container ships is on the rise lately based on the number of deals on the secondary market and in shipyards.
The significant increase in freight rates, as a…
Demand for containerships rises – What do Greeks buy – Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ
Demand for container ships is on the rise lately based on the number of deals on the secondary market and in shipyards.
The significant increase in freight rates, as a…
Demand for containerships rises – What do Greeks buy – Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ
Η άλλοτε ατμομηχανή της Ευρώπης παγιδεύθηκε σε ύφεση την τελευταία διετία, είδε τη βιομηχανική της παραγωγή να συρρικνώνεται και τους κολοσσούς της να απολύουν χιλιάδες
Greece, like the other member states of the European Union, is awaiting the details of the Commission’s proposal to exempt defense investments from the spending